SEM - Hitachi S-3000 - Status: Available

  • Current Status: Available
  • Training: View Topics/Sessions
  • Use Rates:
    • External Academic & Government: $54.00/Hour
    • External Affiliated Commercial/Industrial: $116.25/Hour
    • External Commercial/Industrial: $155.00/Hour
    • External International Academic: $72.00/Hour
    • Internal Standard: $36.00/Hour
  • Service: Request Service Quote. The Staff rate is $50/hour (Internal) and $55 /hour (External) in addition to the instrument rate.
  • Building: NANO (0070)
  • Room: Particle Analysis 3 (228)
  • In Cleanroom: No
  • Main Contact: Kristy Schepker
The Hitachi S3000 is a compact SEM that utilizes a standard tungsten filament. The S3000 is capable of imaging up to 100,000x magnification. Accelerating voltage can be varied from 300V to 30kV. It features a motorized XYZ stage with full 360° rotation and 0° to 60° tilt, a backscattered electron detector, and an EDAX detector.

Scanning Electron Microscopy wiki link
Guide to SEM Observation
Coating FormDownload
Equipment ImageDownload
Hitachi S3000 SOPDownload

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