Panalytical XPert Powder - Status: Available

  • Current Status: Available
  • Training: View Topics/Sessions
  • Use Rates:
    • External Academic & Government: $39.00/Hour
    • External Affiliated Commercial/Industrial: $154.50/Hour
    • External Commercial/Industrial: $206.00/Hour
    • External International Academic: $52.00/Hour
    • Internal Standard: $26.00/Hour
  • Service: Request Service Quote. The Staff rate is $50/hour (Internal) and $55 /hour (External) in addition to the instrument rate.
  • Building: NANO (0070)
  • Room: X-Ray Diffraction Lab (233)
  • In Cleanroom: No
  • Main Contact: Kristy Schepker
X-ray crystallography is a technique in crystallography in which the pattern produced by the diffraction of x-rays through the closely spaced lattice of atoms in a crystal is recorded and then analyzed to reveal the nature of that lattice.
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