EDAX EDS/EBSD on FEI Helios NanoLab 600i dual beam - Status: Available

The EDAX Octane Elite SDD EDS and Velocity EBSD camera are auxiliary systems added to the FEI Helios NanoLab 600i dual beam FIB/SEM to provide nanoscale (<100 nm) to microscale (>1 um) compositional, texture, and crystallographic analysis.

Instrument Specifications:

  • EDAX Octane Elite (70 mm squared active area) SDD energy dispersive spectroscopy system
  • EDAX Velocity CMOS EBSD camera
  • EDAX TEAM EDS and EBSD acquisition and analysis software
  • EDAX OIM 8 texture and crystallographic analysis software

  • Latest Status Log EntrySep 7, 2023 - Resource Status Up - sorry; forgot to put back up after hurricane
    Equipment ImageDownload
    Helios Nanolab 600i - EBSD using EDAX TEAMDownload

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