Perkin-Elmer PHI 660 - AES - Status: Available

  • Current Status: Available
  • Training: View Topics/Sessions
  • Use Rates:
    • External Academic & Government: $54.00/Hour
    • External Affiliated Commercial/Industrial: $154.50/Hour
    • External Commercial/Industrial: $206.00/Hour
    • External International Academic: $72.00/Hour
    • Internal Standard: $36.00/Hour
  • Service: Request Service Quote. The Staff rate is $50/hour (Internal) and $55 /hour (External) in addition to the instrument rate.
  • Building: NANO (0070)
  • Room: Surface Analysis Lab (248)
  • In Cleanroom: No
  • Main Contact: Brent Gila
Scanning Auger Multiprobe: is a common analytical technique used specifically
in the compositional study of surfaces.

Chapter 5.3 "Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization”
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN-10: 0750691689
ISBN-13: 978-0750691680
Copy available on request.

Scanning Auger Multiprobe:
Typical Applications: Surface Analysis and Depth Profiling
Signal Detected: Auger electrons
Elements Detected: Li-U
Detection Limits: 0.1 – 1 at%
5 – 50 Angstroms
Imaging/Mapping: Yes
Lateral Resolution/Probe Size: 5,000 Angstroms

The AES uses a finely focused electron beam to determine the elementals present in the top 3-4 atomic layers on a solid surface. All elements except H and He can be detected but the sample must be electrically conducting or semi conducting. The Perkin-Elmer PHI 660 scanning Auger microprobe uses a LaB6 filament to probe the surface of a solid sample generating Auger electrons originating from the top surface of a sample in an ultra high vacuum (<10E-9 torr). It is capable of producing elemental maps or lie scans with a lateral resolution of less than 1 um. The machine is equipped with an Ar ion gun to remove surface layers and produce a depth profile of the distribution of the elements in the Z direction. Also available is an in situ fracture stage to create a fresh surface under UHV conditions.

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